
How States Raise Revenue For Road Repairs

Us that successfully raised revenue since 2022

Below these maps are the details on the successfully enacted legislative plans that raised revenues at the state level from 2022 to the nowadays. Plans that only move money effectually, authorize a general fund transfer, or increase bonding authority are generally not included here — this only charts new revenue for transportation, not spending. Notation: states have varying schedules for their legislative sessions. *This listing does not include states that passed bills enabling certain localities to raise their own revenues for transportation. For more than info on these states that have passed "enabling legislation" run into this short primer on enabling legislation that includes a map, from our Measuring Up package.

States listed alphabetically below

Arkansas (2012)

Enacted – Constitutional amendment passed by legislature (HJR 1001) in 2022; passed past voters in November 2022.

The land can result $i.3 billion in new full general obligation bonds, generally for a 4-lane superhighway network. A portion of these revenues volition be given to metropolis and canton governments to repair rural and local roads. The voters approved an increase in the statewide sales tax (half a penny) to repay the bonding. Bonds must be repaid in ten years at which time the sales tax is rescinded. Intended for roads, and specifically a iv-lane country highway network.

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California (2017)

SB i – Canonical four/7/2017
Increase in gasoline taxes and vehicles fees

SB 1 will raise $52 billion in new transportation revenue by raising the gasoline revenue enhancement — unchanged in 23 years — by 12 cents (to 30 cents per gallon), increasing diesel taxes by 20 cents (to 36 cents per gallon) and creating a new annual fee on almost all vehicles based on value. It directs $seven.5 billion to transit capital and operations, $1 billion into the state'due south Active Transportation Fund and reserves $4 billion expressly for bridge repair. Read more details about what's in the constabulary in our blog post.

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Delaware (2013)

Enacted — Increase in tolls

Tolls on State Route i were raised past $1 on weekends, which will generate $xx 1000000 annually. The new funds will avoid cuts for the Community Transportation Fund which pay for local transportation projects, and will help raise revenue for route maintenance. Intended for country highways, road maintenance.

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Delaware (2015)

HB 140 — Enacted 7/1/15

The beak volition generate $23.9 million annually by increasing several vehicle and license fees, including a 0.five-pct-signal increase in the vehicle sales tax. DelDOT leadership hasindicated the agency volition focus these new funds on road repair and maintenance.

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Florida (2014)

Enacted – HB 7175 was enacted in 2022

This broad transportation parcel includes new acquirement from leasing right-of-way for jail cell phone towers near state roads and advertisements on country nature and recreational trails. It as well calls for more toll roads. Intended for roads, and an increment of maintenance revenue.  (Ch. 2022-223, L.O.F of HB 7175)

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Georgia (2015)

HB 170 – Enacted  5/4/2015

  • Increment fuel excise tax to 26 cents per gallon (29 cents per gallon for diesel)
  • Alphabetize the excise fuel tax rates to both average vehicle fleet efficiency and the consumer toll index (used until July 2022)
  • Exempts fuel from current sales taxation, except for the 1% that counties impose
  • Imposes new registration fees for electric vehicles ($200/year for noncommercial, $300/yr commercial)
  • Heavy vehicles registered in Georgia pay a highway affect fee annually of $50 for vehicles between xv,500-26,000 lbs. and $100 for weights greater than 26,000 lbs.
  • Institutes a $5-per-nighttime fee for curt-term lodging, made exclusively for transportation purposes in the state
  • Gives the power to counties and groups of counties to impose a limited duration transportation purpose local option sales tax of up to i% by ballot.

HB 60 – policy largely incorporated into H.B. 170 above

Would amend the local option sales tax (T-SPLOST) law. It would allow any canton to raise a local sales revenue enhancement of up to 1% with approving of the county commission and voter plebiscite. Mayors or other local government leaders in the county would identify road, bridge, transit, runway, port and drome projects to be funded before the revenue enhancement was put to approval by the county commission and voters. Counties would exist allowed to bond confronting this revenue.

Nether the existing law which this pecker would meliorate, a local option sales tax referendum could only be held at a date set by the legislature and just across a region defined by the legislature. The timing and the size of the district were cited equally factors in the notable defeat of the Atlanta region T-SPLOST in 2022.

HB 213 – Enacted four/2/2015

HB 213 removes the previous brake that limited MARTA (Atlanta'due south regional transit system) to spending no more 50% of its locally-raised revenue to fund operations. A previous version of this bill would have likewise allowed the cities and counties that support MARTA to increment the sales revenue enhancement defended to the system by 0.5% (via ballot measures), just this provision was removed from the final bill.

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Idaho (2015)

HB 312 – Enacted four/10/2015

HB 312 will raise the country gas tax by 7 cents per gallon (to 32 cents per gallon) and increase annual registration fees to $21 for cars, $10 for motorcycles and $25 for commercial and farm vehicles. Hybrids and electrical cars now face up an boosted fee of $75 and $140, respectively, which volition be distributed into the highway account. The beak will also dedicate some excess dollars from the general fund to statewide roads projects. In total, the bill will increase revenues for transportation by $94 one thousand thousand per year.

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Iowa (2015)

SF 257 – Enacted 2/24/fifteen

Would increase fuel taxes past x cents per gallon and increase vehicle permit fees to raise $215 one thousand thousand for roads and highways annually. It was passed through a bipartisan legislature and signed by Republican Governor Terry Branstad.

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Indiana (2017)

HB 1002 — Enacted 4/27/2017.

Increases fuel taxes by 10 cents per gallon and indexes rates to inflation (only limits increment to one cent per gallon per year). Adds a $15 registration surcharge on big trucks. Adds a $150 almanac fee on electric vehicles and $fifty fee on hybrids. Dedicates revenue from sales revenue enhancement on fuel to state highway accounts rather than the general fund. Repeals restriction on tolling and directs Indiana DOT to seek a waiver from USDOT to permit tolling on Interstate highways. The law will generate an estimate $854 million in new annual revenue for state and local road projects. More data can be found on the blog.

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Kentucky (2015)

HB 299 – Enacted 3/25/2015

HB 299 will raise the floor on the assessed wholesale fuel price, setting the minimum tax to 24.6 cents per gallon. The current rate is 27.5 cents per gallon but the rate was expected to fall to 22 cents per gallon on the April 1 automatic aligning engagement due to falling gas prices, so this act prevented a $292 1000000 cut in revenue.

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Maryland (2013)

Ch. 429 (HB 1515) enacted in 2022

This will raise $4.4 billion over six years, which includes borrowing ability confronting future revenues. It would:

  • Alphabetize the gas tax to inflation starting immediately (with a ceiling of no more than 8% in whatever given year.)
  • Add a 3% sales revenue enhancement at the pump, phased in over a period of three years starting summer 2013.
  • Requires indexing transit fares charged past the MTA to aggrandizement via the consumer toll index.
  • The sales tax on gasoline volition increase to four% if the congressional ban on internet sales tax is lifted, otherwise, the tax goes up 5% if Congress does not lift the ban
  • Modes aren't defined, but information technology does fund the unified country transportation trust fund which funds ALL modes.

Read our detailed mail service on the details in Maryland'due south plan.

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Massachusetts (2013)

Chapter 46 of Acts of 2022 (H3535) enacted in 2022. (Proposal started with the Governor, legislature responded, governor vetoed, legislature overrode that veto)

  • Raises the gas tax 3 cents and indexes information technology to inflation
  • Requires MassDOT and MBTA to raise a greater portion of their costs—upward to an additional $229 1000000 per year—from tolls, fees, fares and other sources and from efficiencies
  • Dedicates other state funds—including all proceeds from vehicle sales taxes—to transportation
  • Increases taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products

Don't miss our longer postal service on the proposals in Massachusetts.

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Michigan (2015)

HB4614 ,HB4616,HB4370,HB4736,HB4737,HB 4738,SB414  — Enacted 11/10/15

  • In 2022 gas taxes will increase 7.3-cents-per-gallon and diesel taxes volition increase 12.iii-cents-per-gallon to bring both 26.3-cents per gallon. Fuel tax rates will be indexed to futurity inflation. Fuel tax increases are estimated to bring in $400 1000000 in new revenue.
  • Another $200 million in new revenue will come up from a 20% increase in vehicle registration and new fees on hybrid and electric vehicles, also showtime in 2022.
  • Additionally, the package dedicates general fund money to the highway fund, commencement with $150 1000000 in 2022 and ramping up to $600 one thousand thousand per year from 2022.

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Montana (2017)

HB 0473 — Enacted v/three/2017.

Increases gas revenue enhancement 6 cents per gallon and diesel tax ii cents per gallon by 2023 to heighten $27 million in boosted almanac revenue. 30-five pct of new funding (or at least $9.8 million) is allocated to state highways and the remainder is allocated to local governments through a new structure and maintenance matching fund for local road, street and span projects.

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Nebraska (2015)

LB 610 – Enacted five/xiv/2015

Raises the per-gallon gasoline taxation past half dozen cents over four years to a total of 31.six cents per gallon. The tax would generate an additional $25 million annually for the state and $51 meg for cities and counties once fully implemented. Governor Ricketts vetoed the nib simply his veto was overridden past the legislature.

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New Hampshire (2013)

Southward.B. 367-FN-A enacted in 2022. Ch. 268 (HB 1142) enacted in 2022

  • SB 367 increases the per gallon tax past 4 cents. The funds raised are defended to rehabilitation and bridge repair projects for the next 2 years. Information technology likewise adds bonds for the widening of I-93.
  • HB 1142extends fuel taxes to fuels used by culling fuel vehicles.

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New Jersey (2016)

A12 — Enacted 10/14/2016

Increases fuel revenue enhancement by 23 cents per gallon. The fuel taxation hike will add together $1.23 billion annually to the state's transportation fund to pay for route and transit maintenance and construction projects. The bill also reduces the country's general sales tax by three-eighths of a pct, eliminates the manor tax, increases earned income tax credits Gov. Christie and legislative leaders reached a funding agreements only after a months-long stalemate during which all but emergency transportation projects were halted due to lack of funds.

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North Carolina (2015)

SB xx – Enacted 3/31/2015

Reduces the gas taxation in North Carolina from 37.5 cents to 34 cents per gallon by the stop of 2022, but information technology amounts to a college tax than what would accept been calculated with the drib in fuel prices and no changes to its adding. Kickoff in January 2022, the gas taxation is automatically adjusted based 75% on population increases and 25% on changes in the Consumer Price Index. The result is a $thirteen.v one thousand thousand reduction in transportation revenues in the short-term, merely a $400 million proceeds from changes in the adding in the gas revenue enhancement.

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Ohio (2013)

HB 59 enacted in 2022. Ohio Turnpike Authority will brainstorm raising tolls Jan. 1, 2022

Biennial state transportation budget:A plan that would authorize the Ohio Turnpike Authorisation to effect $i.5 billion in new debt over vi years to finance (roads-just) projects around the state. The debt would be repaid with increased turnpike tolls, and a big share of funds will be spent in Northern Ohio. (Though debts would exist repaid with greater turnpike tolls, tolls for locals will be frozen for the next ten years. EZ laissez passer transponder required.)

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Oregon (2017)

HB 2022 — Enacted 7/18/2017

Raises $v.3 billion over ten years for all types of transportation projects. The law increases the country fuel tax by 2 cents per year for a full increase of ten cents per gallon. Information technology adds a vehicle sales tax of 0.5 percent, increases vehicle registration fees and adds additional fees on loftier-MPG and electrical vehicles. It likewise adds a $15 revenue enhancement on adult bicycle purchases. The police introduces a new 0.i% employee payroll tax with revenues defended to transit. This taxation is expected to generate $103 million annually. The bill passed the Business firm 39-20 vote and passed the Senate 22-7.

Read more nearly the Oregon beak on the T4A blog.

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Pennsylvania (2013)

Human activity 89 (HB 1060) enacted Nov 25, 2022

When fully implemented:

  • Raises an additional $2.3 billion per year, including $1.65 billion for highways and $476 million for transit
  • Establishes a starting time-of-its-kind, $144-million-per-year Multimodal Transportation Fund for local economic development
  • Will allocate an additional $220 million to local governments (a 60% increase)
  • Eliminates the per-gallon gas taxation
  • Increases the sales tax on gas assessed at the wholesale level (by gradually eliminating the cap on taxable value and replacing it with a floor)
  • Increases vehicle registration, licensing and truck weight fees and moving violation fines

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Rhode Island (2014)

H 7133 A enacted in 2022

H7133directs revenues from vehicle fees and rental auto taxes to the expressway maintenance fund, increases the gas tax past approximately one cent in 2022 and sets information technology to inflation for future years, and calls for a statewide referendum to approve issuing $35 million in bonds to fund multi-modal transit hub infrastructure. (This plebiscite is currently slated to announced on the ballot in November 2022.)

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Due south Carolina (2017)

H. 3516 – Enacted 5/x/2017 (legislature overrode governor'south veto)

Increases fuel taxation past 12 cents per gallon, phased in over the adjacent half-dozen years. Increases registration fee by $xvi, add $lx biannual fee on hybrid vehicles and $120 biannual fee on electrical vehicles. When fully implemented, the new taxes and fees volition bring in approximately $730 million annually for road construction and maintenance projects beyond the country.

Read more on the T4A blog.

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South Dakota (2015)

SB 1 – Enacted 3/xxx/2015

Increases motor fuels taxes by half dozen cents-per-gallon (to 28 cents per gallon) to raise an extra $40.5 million annually; increases vehicle sales taxation past one percentage bespeak, for an actress $27-$thirty one thousand thousand annually; increases vehicle registration and weight fees; expands abilities for counties and townships to levy local option property taxes for route and span repair and construction (with approval by voter referenda) and increases optional county vehicle registration fees; and creates a local bridge improvement competitive grant fund.

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Tennessee (2017)

HB0534/SB1221 — Enacted 5/3/2017

Raises the gas tax by 6 cents per gallon to 27.4 cents per gallon and raises the diesel rate 10 cents to 28.four cents per gallon, increases registration fees, and adds a new fee for owners of electrical vehicles, bringing in $350 million per yr for road projects. From the new revenue, $250 million volition go to state highway projects and $100 million will exist directed to cities and counties for local road projects. Cuts the sales tax rate on groceries from 5 to 4 percent, and cuts the franchise and excise tax on manufacturers. The law also allows the nearly populous cities and counties to increase local sales tax, business tax, car rental tax, hotel/motel revenue enhancement, residential development tax or cycle tax, with approving through a voter referendum. A local government must approve a detailed transit improvement programme before levying a local transit revenue enhancement.

Read more on the T4A blog.

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Texas (2015)

SJR 5 — Enacted (approved by voters)

This amendment volition fix aside future state sales tax revenue to fund highways. Specifically $2.5 billion of the state sales revenue enhancement revenue will be reserved for transportation, so long every bit overall sales tax receipts are at to the lowest degree $28 billion (approximately the collections this yr). Additionally, 35% of revenue growth from taxes on vehicle sales and rentals volition be set aside for transportation get-go in 2022, netting $250 meg to $350 million annually. All revenues under this amendment would be dedicated to constructing non-price highways (or servicing debt for such construction). The measure out was approved by Texas voters.

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Utah (2015)

HB 362 –  Enacted 3/27/2015

HB 362 raises the tax on gas from 24.5 cents per gallon to a 12% assessed charge per unit offset January ane, 2022, with a flooring on the gas tax rate 5 cents per gallon higher than today and able to increase up to an assessed tax of twoscore cents per gallon. On diesel, natural gas, and hydrogen it incrementally increases the tax charge per unit to 16.5 cents by July 1, 2022, (an increment of viii cents per gallon for diesel fuel and natural gas and a new 16.five cents per gallon equivalent taxation applied to hydrogen). A road-usage charge revenue system will be studied for potential future implementation in the state.  The bill also enables counties to raise a quarter-cent local sales tax to fund local roads, transit, bicycle or pedestrian infrastructure or other transportation projects. This package will increase state transportation acquirement past $76 million past FY2017.

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Vermont (2013)

Deed 12 [H.510] enacted in 2022

Governor's budget nib raises $28 million annually by adding new 2% sales tax cess to gasoline, reducing gas taxation from 20 cents to 19.2 cents and issuing a $9 mil. bond to be repaid with existing revenues. Passed through a transportation budget bill, goes into issue on May ane, 2022. Diesel per gallon taxation will rise three cents over two years, starting July 1.

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Virginia (2013)

Ch. 766 (HB 2313) enacted in 2022

  • Multimodal
  • $3.5 billion over five years
  • Sales taxes: Directs .175% of existing sales tax revenues to transportation; raises sales tax by .3% with ane.25% of the increment dedicated to transit and rider rail. (Statewide sales tax increases from v% to 5.3%)
  • Local taxes: Imposes mandatory taxes in two regions: in Northern Virginia, increases sales tax by .7% and adds 15 cent per $100 assessed value to real manor transfer taxation along with a 2% increase in hotel tax); in Hampton Roads it increases sales tax past .7% and adds a 2.1% wholesale taxation on gasoline
  • Gas taxation: Eliminates the cents per gallon tax on gasoline and diesel; adds a iii.5% wholesale revenue enhancement on gasoline and vi% on diesel (wholesale tax increases by 1.6% in 2022 if the Internet sales tax ban is not lifted)
  • Vehicle fees: Adds a $64 fee on hybrid vehicles and raises the motor vehicle sales and utilise tax by one.15%
  • Other fees: Direct a portion of cyberspace sales taxation receipts to transportation if Congressional ban is lifted, which would raise $1.13 billion over five years

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Washington (2015)

SB 5987 — Enacted 7/15/2015

The package volition raise $ billion past increasing the fuel revenue enhancement by xi.9 cents per gallon over two years and increasing vehicle weight and drivers license fees. The package directs $8.8 billion to new state and local highway construction projects, $1.4 billion to road repair, and $i billion to transit, pedestrian, and bike projects.

It volition allow Sound Transit to impose a vehicle tax of up to 0.8%, an additional 0.iv% sales taxation, and/or a property tax of 25 cents per grand dollars by plebiscite; increase the cap on local option vehicle fees from $20 to $40 (if the local district has imposed a $20 fee for at least two years, up to $50 if the district imposed a $forty fee); allow transit do good districts to impose a sales and apply tax of up to 0.3% past plebiscite; and allow for the creation of rider ferry funding districts.

You can read more about Audio Transit's plebiscite on our blog.

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W Virginia (2017)

SB 1006 – Enacted 7/xvi/2017

Raises the floor on the variable-charge per unit fuel tax by three.5 cents per gallon (from xi.vii cents to 15.2 cents per gallon), increases the motor vehicle sales taxation from 5 percent to 6 percent and increases various motor vehicle fees. The law will raise an additional $140 1000000 annually for road projects.

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Wyoming (2013)

Act 38 (HB 0069) enacted in 2022

Enhance $70 meg annually by increasing the gas revenue enhancement ten cents per gallon. Intended for highways only.

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How States Raise Revenue For Road Repairs,


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